Monday, April 28, 2014

One Day in San Diego

This past weekend I had the luck to be part of the One Day in San Diego project as a production assistant! It was so great! We started the day at Balestra Entertainment Headquarters with some WD-40 and clipboards.  Six or seven locations later (I lost track) we finished the day eating pizza in the car, joking around and watching the sky turn dark while the city skyline lit up over the bay. It was a true filmmaker’s day with twists and turns, hustle, and creative collaboration.  I loved it!  This was my first experience with documentary film making, and I have to say it felt wonderful. Such a new feeling to be grounded in the real world without all the pretending of the “acting” world. There is room in my heart for both and I’m so happy to have broadened my horizons. That night I hit the pillow hard and that's the best kind of tired there is--the tired from a day well spent working hard at what you love :)

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